picture ETHER.
visualise your BREATH.
imagine a WHISPER.
HEAR my welcome yet ?

Hello 🙋♂️
I am Praveen Sinha, an Experience Designer, a UX Educator & a Creative Coder.
The flux of socio-technical changes in our lives have been a humbling yet exciting experience so far. I wish to keep working with these changes, play with the new poetics of society and in time share my learning with everyone.
My curiosity currently lies with Code, Arts & Digital Design working in/ for our present & our future social contexts and constructs.
presently solving for billion users of emerging markets at Microsoft Studio 91
do tell me what you heard @
Contact me via below links 💬
This site is an effort to bring forth and share my thoughts, outbound imaginations & curative content.
This blog/site took a form, in 2008, when writing helped me put my inner thoughts out in the world in a tangible format – visual or textual.
Over time it has changed its shape along with the content.
This is v.6.1( as on 17-10-2022) of this blog. — Work in Progress (♻ )